These posters were designed for the Asia/Next-Poster Experimental Design Exhibition in 2015.

The first poster expresses the sentence by Christopher Tilley, a professor of Daeki Shim and a prominent archaeologist and anthropologist: “Landscapes, unlike their representations, are constituted in space-time. They are always changing, in the process of being and becoming, never exactly the same twice over.” in typography.

In addition, the words and graphics overlap with images of Korean landscapes. In the second poster, the Tilley quote is symbolized in a graphic form. Landscapes are represented as graphic symbols on a map.

“The progression of seasons” is shown as a color gradation representing the four seasons, and “time of day” is depicted in twenty-four lines symbolizing light. “Qualities of light and shade” are represented as six graphic lines resembling light descending from the sky. In the text “Individual & Society,” “Individual” is represented by a small circle, and “Society” is visualized as five small circles huddled together inside a larger circle. “Interaction” is displayed with two small circles and an arrow to visualize the movement in and out.