‘Seoul Design Brand : Communication Tool’
‘New Development of Korea : 56 Kinds of Communication Tools’

New Development Communication Tools of Korea
‘Communication Tools’ New Development Product Exhibition is offering new stationary products with the touch of Korean emotions and sentiment, developed by small stationary business owners and stationary designers. The business owners and designers joined hands to explore markets in cooperation and lay a ground to develop Korean stationary brand to be loved by global consumers. The first section introduces desk Stationary proposed by designers, the second section introduces pencil sharpener prototype, developed with 3D printer and the last section displays stationary developed in cooperation of stationary companies and designers.

Desk Stationary Design
Can desk stationary products be a small gift for people, being bored with daily work routine? The exhibition is aimed to deliver small but certain happiness for people living in modern society. 8 designers, Cho Kyuhyung, Choi Jungyou, Corners, found/Founded, studio PESI, Seo Jeonghwa, SOJI, and TIEL developed one renewal item of their existing product and one new design product. 16 products are developed in diverse categories, including desk products like pen trey and paperweight, book products like book shelve and bags & pouches.

Pencil Sharpener Prototype
This is a product for children who first learn speaking, reading and writing of their language and their parents. We all have memories of ‘pencil’ that we used when learning language. When we use pencils, we need a pencil sharpener eventually. In this exhibition, 11 pencil sharpener prototypes developed with 3D printer by Bmix Studio, mmm Design Studio, OBJT, Ryu Jongdae and Studio Millionroses are displayed.

As part of the exhibition event, a 3D printer was installed in the exhibition hall, allowing visitors to observe the production process firsthand. Additionally, 3D-printed pencil sharpeners were given as complimentary gifts to visitors accompanied by children.

Small Stationary Businesses Coexist with New Graphic Designers!
In transition from industrialization society to digital society, the business of small stationary stores is gradually losing momentum. To revitalize the small stationary businesses, stationary companies in need of new and innovative thoughts and young graphic designers joined hands to show the potentials of contemporary Korean Stationary to the public. Small stationary businesses participating in the collaboration are Kiosk Kiosk, Prom and 7321 and they worked with graphic designers Bowyer, Choi Hyunho, Gourmet Graph Design Studio, Jin Dallae & Park Woohyuk, Kang Juhyun, Pangpangpang, Park Shinwoo, Studio Double D and Yangjang. Through the collaboration, they developed more than 30 products, including ball point pen, notebook, planner, deco sticker, masking tape, ruler, shape ruler, cutting mat and cell phone case. Also, each designer developed a poster of their own, reflecting the graphic on the design product as a motif.

New Product Development
The director and curator of Daeki Shim from DAEKI & JUN played roles such as ‘new product development planning’ and ‘selection and matching of small business operators and designers’ for this project.

Also, Daeki Shim served as the exhibition director and curator for the exhibition ‘New Developments in Korea: 56 Types of Communication Tools,’ showcasing mass-produced products.

Product Development and Exhibition
– Director & Curator : Daeki Shim
– Coordinator : Youngwook Nam
– Assistant : Saera Jung (Intern)