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We just won a Winner in Red Dot Brand Promotion 2023  View


TomaHope BI

Tomarrow Magnet

Tomarrow BI

Tomarrow’ is a portmanteau of ‘tomato’ and ‘tomorrow.’ Tomarrow is a farm that grows tomatoes on fertile land and a brand that produces tomato food products to offer to customers. As the slogan goes, ‘Various Tomatoes! Better Tomorrow!’ This concept is visually represented. We designed a wordmark based on this idea using typography and created various applications utilizing the typographic motifs of the logotype.


Gangwon State CI


In 2023, the corporate identity (CI) of GANGWON STATE was newly designed. The identity represents the direction of a growing industrial city moving towards the future with arrows. Simultaneously, we incorporated the letter ‘ㄱ’ (giyeok), the first letter of the Korean alphabet, Hangeul.

The graphic concept of GANGWON STATE CI is ‘Growth,’ representing the proactive, dynamic, and enterprising attitude of moving forward. Additionally, the graphic motif of GANGWON STATE CI is ‘ㄱ (giyeok),’ which is the first letter of the Korean alphabet, Hangeul. It emphasizes that GANGWON STATE is a region of Korea that is proud of its history and tradition, and also signifies a positive future for the country that begins here.

Gangwon’s identity has changed after 27 years, and the new one clearly shows where it is headed.


DDP : dnA BI

Gdf BI

Starting with Gdf (Gangwon Design Festa) in 2022, it represents a new flexible identity for an annual event and exhibition held at the end of each year. The Gdf flexible identity embodies the concepts of new ‘changes,’ dynamic ‘progress,’ and ‘growth’ in Gangwon State’s design industry and culture.



DDP ML : Magazine Library BI

DDP Magazine Library Opening Exhibition

East Sea International Art Pre-Biennale EI

WAVE: East Sea International Art Pre-Biennale (EIAB). The graphics for the EIAB feature a gradual variation or gradation and initially discover a common pattern in ‘waves.’ Each exhibition of posters, illustrations, and flags is designed by assigning a different fluorescent Pantone color to each one, mixing three colors in harmony to create the shape of waves.