Tomato Compund Butter
Tomato Jam & Tomato Sauce
TomaHope BI
Tomarrow Magnet
Heirloom Tomato Seedling Kit
Tomarrow BI
Tomarrow’ is a portmanteau of ‘tomato’ and ‘tomorrow.’ Tomarrow is a farm that grows tomatoes on fertile land and a brand that produces tomato food products to offer to customers. As the slogan goes, ‘Various Tomatoes! Better Tomorrow!’ This concept is visually represented. We designed a wordmark based on this idea using typography and created various applications utilizing the typographic motifs of the logotype.
Gdf BI
Starting with Gdf (Gangwon Design Festa) in 2022, it represents a new flexible identity for an annual event and exhibition held at the end of each year. The Gdf flexible identity embodies the concepts of new ‘changes,’ dynamic ‘progress,’ and ‘growth’ in Gangwon State’s design industry and culture.