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Heirloom Tomato Seedling Kit

– Heirloom Tomato Seedling Kit

Tomarrow Brand Introduction

– Brand Introduction. Brand Book

DDP Design Collection 2019

Korean Traditional Artisans, Traditional Materials and Techniques > Modern Design Interpretation
The ‘DDP Design Collection 2019,’ hosted and organized by the Seoul Design Foundation, is a project that collaborates with Korean artisans to develop and mass-produce modern products utilizing traditional materials and techniques. The aim of this project is to interpret excellent Korean traditional materials and techniques in a modern way, thereby preserving tradition while exploring the possibilities of new design products.

This book emphasizes the excellence of Korean traditional materials and techniques through an in-depth exploration of traditional artisans. It comprehensively documents the newly developed products and their production processes, reinterpreted in a modern context. This book is produced in both Korean and English. The book aims not only to reach the Korean consumer market but also to widely promote its excellence and potential globally.

Consultant & Book Design Director
Daeki Shim of DAEKI and JUN served as a ‘CONSULTANT’ for the ‘DDP Design Collection 2019’ project, while also acting as the book design director for ‘DDP Design Collection 2019’ in his role as a designer.

DDP Seoul Design Product Awards 2019

DDP ‘Seoul Design Product Award 2019’ was organized and hosted by the Seoul Design Foundation, and a catalog was designed to document the award-winning designs themed around DDP and to promote the mass production and sales of the awarded works.

Judge for Award and Catalog Design Director
Daeki Shim of DAEKI and JUN served as a judge for the DDP ‘Seoul Design Product Award 2019’ and also took on the role of catalog design director. In connection with this, DAEKI and JUN designed eco bags, leaflets, and postcards, which are given as part of a gift set when customers purchase the products featured in this catalog at the DDP Design Store.

DDP Seoul Design Overseas Marketing 2019

The DDP “Seoul Design Overseas Marketing 2019” catalog was designed to select outstanding Korean design products, hosted and organized by Seoul Design Foundation, and to promote these products internationally by setting up a DDP pavilion at the “Maison&Objet” in France.

Selection Committee and Catalog Design Director
Daeki Shim of DAEKI and JUN served as a selection committee member for the designers & design products participating in the “DDP Maison&Objet” and took on the role of catalog design director as a designer. Additionally, DAEKI and JUN designed the identity and poster for the “DDP Maison&Objet in in France.”

DDP Design Store Gift

Defamiliarizing Hangeul

This study aimed to bring out the mathematical principles and regularities of Hangeul through its cyclical order and variable form. A Hangeul structure comprised of two primary characters (‘ㄱ’, ‘ㅇ’) – rather than the one of the existing standards comprised of eight primary characters (five consonants and three vowels) – was created based on the formative similarity between phonemes. The stroke divisions and the differing lengths of the characters demonstrate how Hangeul is not a static writing system but rather undergoes constant creation and extinction.

Seoul Welcomes You

Seoul Welcomes You